Gate Motors
When M1 Systems choose DoorKing and Elite for Gate Motor Manufactures, it was not because of the price, style, or they were easily available.
They are the same motors opening gates all day long at Airports and Parking Structures all over. These motors are designed to open and close some thousand operations per day. Not every Gate Manufacture can handle that, but you might save a few dollars with another brand.
With swing open or roll open gates we have two of the leading commercial gate manufactures with a variety of models depending on your gate style, size and weight. Both manufactures offer a 5-year warranty that means reliability compared to the others out there.
When it comes down to it do you want your gate to be reliable, maybe, or maybe not a major concern?
What about when you want to come home after a long day of work or back from a vacation; and the gate does not open. Now let’s add the fact that it’s raining out side and you really want to get inside your home to catch the last few minutes of the ball game. Did I mention the kids in the back seat that are hungry and need to use the restroom! Ever been locked out of your house? What about locked out of your property or maybe locked even in!
Now how important is it to you that your gate motors work this time?
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